There are several reasons why I think that it’s the best but the most important reason is the amount of work that you have to do to generate the income. While other strategies involve a lot of work and repetition, Google Adsense allows you to just “set it and forget it”.
Life just happens sometimes, that is one of the reason why I have not been around to often lately, but that did not stop my site from generating income. True, I am not making as much as I was when I used to write a couple of articles per day, but still, $$ keep rolling in and the site pays for itself.
You have probably heard these tips before but nevertheless they are worth repeating;

1. Position Your Ads
The best place to put your ads is the place where visitors spend most of their time and where they look first. Most of people look above the fold first therefore that is the best place to place you ads.
2. Blend Your Ads
If you can match the fonts of ads with fonts of your website there will be more chances of having the ads clicked. I’m not a big proponent of tricking people because I want them to return to my site, but blending your ads works. Some people say you should use blue color font for your ads, which is standard, but I say just make it look nice.
3. High Paying Ads
Keywords can bring visitors to your website through search engines and they will affect the type of ads which appear on your website. The higher advertiser bids on keywords the more money you will get when someone clicks on the ad. Use Google Adwords keyword tool to find good keywords.
4. Best Ads Sizes
Size does mater. Adsense offers you many ads size options but the best one is the large rectangle 336 x 280. 336×280 ads blend with any content very well. As you can see on my site, I am not a big fan of it, it just takes to much space.
5. Improve your CTR
The most important part of Adsense is your CTR (click through rate). The best way to increase your Adsense revenue is to increase CTR. You can do this by following first 4 Adsense tips. Compare your website pages CTR and tweak things around.
Google Adsense takes a little bit of time to master and set up but once you get it, it turns into nice and steady income. So don’t give up on Adsense, play with it, try different strategies and eventually it will show results