British and Czech scientists challenged the common view of female orgasm. They examined 2360 women of different ages asking them about their sexual life– petting experiences, sexual intercourse and, of course, orgasm. The findings of this study were published in Journal of Sexual Medicine.
The results of studies revealed that the average duration of petting was 15.4 minutes. The average time of genital contact was 16.2 minutes. But there was more down the line. Scientists discovered that there was actually no link between erotic caresses and the peak of sexual arousal. In fact, reaching orgasm directly depended on the length of intercourse.
According to Stuart Brody from the University of the West of Scotland and Petr Weiss from the Karlova University in Prague, these findings challenge what most sex experts are saying about female orgasm. It is more important to focus on the length of sexual intercourse.
Whether the woman can achieve orgasm depends not on the sexual prelude, but on the duration of sex.
Scientists pointed out that their data about the length of satisfying sex disagreed with those previously published in US, saying that 5-7 minutes were enough to reach an orgasm. The researches think that’s all about sensitivity of Europeans and increased determination of Americans.
Well, there are no two couples similar in their sexual life. Each couple, whatever their nationality, should decide whether they need sexual prelude.