I’ve compiled a little list that will help you to get your site exposed to online population and help your site index faster, get your PR higher. The list is not in any particular order, some strategies may work better for others than you so pick what you like and use it, but it would be best if you can do them all.
1. StumbleUpon and Digg – very popular sites among online community, a great place to submit your site to.
2. Propeller, OnlyWire and SocialMarker – sites whole sole purpose in my eyes is to improve indexing and ranking of websites
3. Submit articles to Ezine and Associated Content with your link attached to them. Associated content will even pay you for submitting articles to them, up to $20 per article if you know how to write good.
4. Submit comments to blogs with your link attached, see “How to find .edu and .gov websites” for better ranked blogs
5. Personal profiles on popular social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace can prove heavily beneficial to circulate your site’s information and backlinks.
6. Use Twitter to direct traffic, use automation software to add followers. Twitter is very popular right now; use it to your advantage.
7. Add valuable articles to forums in your niche and have a link in your signature.
8. If a competitor with high traffic-site uses Ad Sense, then you can use Google’s Site Targeting Program to get your ad directly to your competitor’s site, evading hassles of contacting the owner. Kinda black hat but it costs a little money.
9. Offering free items on your site, such as free courses, affiliate products or e-books will help gain a higher number of subscribers and repeat traffic.
10. Create a video containing informative footage regarding your site and upload on common video hosting sites such as YouTube. The link to your site must be included primarily in the About Video/Information section of the clip.
Bonus Step: